Get involved

CITIZANS is a non-membership movement: just patriots from all walks of life willing to contribute towards building a better South Africa.
To get involved, you can register as either an ‘Interested Citizen’ or apply to be a ‘Volunteer.’
Interested Citizen

With this option, you’ll complete basic registration to confirm your South African citizenship and your interest in staying informed about CITIZANS movement activities. You’ll also have the opportunity to provide input into our our policy proposals.


As a volunteer, you are willing to play an active role in selected CITIZANS activities based on your availability. Volunteers can also be considered for National or regional council membership.

Already registered?

You can give input into the following areas:
Input into legislation

Dear South Africa is a convenient online platform for giving input into proposed laws and amendments.

Please note we are not affiliated with Dear South Africa: it is currently the most convenient platform we could find that simplifies giving input into legislation.

Input into CITIZANS proposal and initiatives

Registered users can give input into our policy proposals, or any of the CITIZANS initiatives.

General Input

CITIZANS is a community owned platform, and we are always keen to hear any new ideas or suggestions you may have. Building a better South Africa is a team sport.

Pledge your support,
make a difference

We need your support in funding efforts towards making your input count through well-researched solutions and lobbying initiatives towards building a better South Africa for current and future generations

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